A custom newspaper for every Titeca client and office

The distinct effect of personalization

An old-school medium reinvented!


In today’s plethora of digital communication, Titeca opted for a “slow medium” in the form of a newspaper. A conscious alternative to the clutter of ephemeral emails that clog our mailbox.

Emails have the advantage of being easy to personalize. But by applying this personalization to a printed newspaper, you can address the receiver much more effectively.

Curious as to how these unique and custom elements were incorporated in the newspaper? Continue reading below.

A newspaper is a great alternative to the clutter of emails - Genscom

Communicating the core message via newspaper


Our communication strategy was a hit! The announcement of Titeca’s renewed identity was effectively brought to the fore thanks to the captivating power of personalization.


A successful campaign and a reason to toast!



Communicate effectively thanks to the captivating power of personalization - Genscom