An exclusive newspaper for every guest at the VIGC conference
A memorable anniversary edition!
The Flemish Innovation Center for Graphic Communication (VIGC) is the leading independent knowledge center for graphic communication.
They’re made up of a multidisciplinary team of experienced domain experts and project leaders, all with extensive hands-on experience in the field of graphic communications.
Their core mission is to transform knowledge into actionable skills.
The impact of a newspaper
Since 2015, the VIGC conference has been the leading annual event for the graphic sector in Belgium and the Netherlands. The goal is to bring together as many production companies, suppliers, and students as possible, encouraging them to participate and exchange contacts and knowledge. Genscom proudly showcases its innovative character with this newspaper.
Added insights, added value
Of course, a single conference is never enough to cover all the news from the past year. This after-event newspaper offers additional information, in-depth articles, space for sponsors, and much more. VIGC crafted a visually striking 24-page publication, allowing participants to relive the conference long after it ends.

"Half an hour. That’s all we needed to come up with this creative form of communication with Genscom. Thanks to their expertise, we immediately had the right concept in place."
Creating buzz at the conference
Did you know that personalizing newspapers with Genscom’s technology is easier than digital mailings? With this custom newspaper, Genscom quickly became one of the conversation topics at the networking reception.